How Counseling can Help With Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Feeling a little anxious in stressful situations like exams or interviews is perfectly normal. But if dealing with certain situations gives you an overwhelming fear, you are suffering from something more than anxiety. You may have panic disorder.

Panic attacks can get triggered in any situation. Do you feel a sudden burst of fear accompanied by a rapid heartbeat and sweaty palms? Do you have trouble breathing and can’t calm yourself down? These symptoms are classic markers of a panic attack. Those suffering from multiple panic attacks like these often spend a great deal of time worrying about future attacks which are unpredictable. All aspects of a suffers life are affected and it is not yet clear what causes panic disorder, though biology is likely a contributor. This makes suffering from a panic disorder very daunting.

What are the causes?

We know the fact that fear is a trigger for a panic attack. Though, the exact cause of panic disorder is not yet known. Sometimes, biology can play a role. If someone from your immediate family has this disorder, the chances of you getting it are increased. The attacks can occur out of nowhere. There is no telling when a person might get a panic attack.

Counseling is the Answer

The best way to treat a panic disorder is psychotherapy. In psychotherapy, you talk about your fears and learn how to deal with them. Counseling can teach you how to deal with your fears in a safe environment. It can provide you with the tools you need to calm your heart rate, control your breathing and, learn to relax when you feel that sudden fear. Call Serenity Hope CS Counseling today to get the help you need.

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